Elizabeth Santin receives renowned guests to discuss a hot topic in the poultry and swine industry. These technical yet friendly talks are aimed at reaching the largest number of participants.

Prof. Diego Diel – Dr. Mario Assayag – Dr. Sonia Villapol
Coronavirus – To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Lessons from veterinarians
Thursday, October 15th – 1:30 PM (Mtl time)
Watch previous live conversations

October 15th
Coronavirus – To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Lessons from veterinarians
Prof. Diego Diel – Dr. Mario Assayag – Dr. Sonia Villapol

October 8th
The concept of supplement Vitamin B for ruminants
Prof. Girard & Dr. Hélène Leclerc

Thursday, September 24th
The challenge to evaluate additives in field trials
Dr. Nickki Tillman

Thursday, September 10th
Women in Poultry Science: their role in leading the poultry industry towards sustainability
Dr. Valerie Carney

Thursday, September 10th
How to reduce antibiotic use in swine production
Dr. Jalusa Deon Kich

Thursday, September 3rd
How Africa Universities and industry are preparing for the African Livestock Revolution?
Prof. Saadia Nassik

Thursday, August 27th
The microbiota concept on swine production: A overview from the past to the future
Dr. Chengbo Yang

Thursday, August 20th
How the animal industry is applying the microbiota concept
Dr. Ricardo Hayashi

Thursday, August 6th
Microbiota, holobiont and symbiosis: how these concept could be apply in animal production and sustainability?
Prof. Marc-André Selosse (presented in English)

July 22nd
Cómo la inmunidad y nutrición pueden ser manejadas en conjunto en la producción avícola.

July 21th
Are we growing broilers or bugs? How the management and nutrition could affect microbiota and it affects animal production.

Thursday, July 16th
How the quality of soybeans affects the nutrition and production of monogastrics
Prof. Jose Henrique Stringhini (presented in Spanish)

Thursday, July 9th
How to modulate microbiota in animal production and food safety
Dr. Cristiano Bortoluzzi (presented in English)

Thursday, July 2nd
The importance of synthetic amino acids for practical Monogastric diets
Dr. Peter Chrystal (presented in English)

Thursday, June 18th
Can diet formulation reduce the impact of poor quality ingredients in feed for monogastric animals?
Dr. Everton Luís Krabbe (presented in Spanish)

How to use big data to help improve the animal production
Aidan Connolly (presented in English)

Thursday, June 4th
Managing poultry litter to improve animal performance and health
Marcos Dai Pra (presented in Spanish)

Thursday, May 14th
How to apply the concepts of immunity in animal production
Prof. Juan C. Rodriguez-Lecompte (presented in Spanish)

Thursday, May 7th, 2020
Salmonelosis: How to control this foodborne challenge?
Prof. Shah Devendra (presented in English)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
Inflammation: What are the nutrient requirements for it?
Prof Kirk Klasing (presented in English)

Thursday, April 30th, 2020
Coccidiosis : how to solve this issue?
Billy M.Hargis (Presented in English)

Thursday, April 23rd, 2020
How to measure the economic impact of enzymes?
Dr C. Roselina Angel (presented in English)

Thursday, April 16th, 2020
How to optimize poultry diets during COVID-19 times
Dr. Vieira (Presented in Spanish)
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