Dr. Peter Chrystal
Peter completed his Bachelor of Science in South Africa under Professor Rob Gous and is currently completing a PhD in poultry nutrition at the University of Sydney, investigating reduced protein diets in broiler chickens.
Peter has extensive commercial experience in both monogastric feeds and vitamin and trace mineral premix manufacture. He has worked as a nutritionist for the largest poultry integrators in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, where he currently works for Baiada Poultry, based in Sydney.
Peter has presented at a number of conferences around the globe and been both author and co-author of several peer reviewed publications. He has successfully used the Mechanistic EFG broiler Model as a tool to improve broiler performance and profitability for a number of different broiler companies. Current challenges in Australia include nutritional strategies for growing broilers in a reduced antibiotic environment and deciding on what alternatives (if any) should be used. In addition, his interest in reducing crude protein in commercial broiler diets, without sacrificing broiler performance, to achieve a reduction of litter moisture (and nitrogen excretion) and ultimately improve bird welfare and sustainability outcomes is receiving a great deal of attention.
In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Santin and Dr. Peter Chrystal will be talking about the importance of synthetic amino acids for practical monogastric diets.
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