Prof. Shah Devendra
Dr. Shah received his Bachelor in Veterinary Science (equivalent to DVM) in 1995 from Bombay Veterinary College in Mumbai, India. In 1997 Dr. Shah received M.S. with research focus on pathobiology and epidemiology of multi-drug resistant Salmonella in commercial poultry production.
In 2002, Dr. Shah completed his Ph.D. with research focus on molecular epidemiology and diagnostic assay development for the differential detection of Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, causative agents of bovine and human tuberculosis, respectively. Immediately after completing Ph.D., Dr. Shah worked as an Assistant General Manager for poultry vaccine research, development and production at Ventri Biologicals in Pune, India.
Between 2003-2005, Dr. Shah moved to the biosafety research Institute, Chonbuk National University in South Korea to pursue postdoctoral training in the areas of molecular pathogenesis and diagnostics of Salmonella. Dr. Shah also developed novel molecular diagnostic assays for rapid differential detection of avian adapted Salmonella. In 2005, Dr. Shah moved to Washington State University to pursue second post-doctoral training where his research was focused on developing innovative molecular approaches for production of recombinant proteins from a psychrophilic bacteria.
In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Santin and Professor Shah Devendra will be talking about salmonelosis: how to control this foodborne challenge.
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