Prof. Juan C. Rodrígues-Lecompte
Juan Carlos Rodriguez is a professor at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) who completed his DVM at the Universidad de Caldas, his master’s degree in microbiology and immunology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia and his PhD in immuno virology at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI). Professor Juan Carlos Rodriguez has several research interests including inflammation – cancer immunotherapy – nutritional immunology – general veterinary immunology – mastitis. He currently teaches in the Departments of Pathology and Microbiology.
Juan has completed several research and studies during his career including Effect of yeast-derived products on innate and antibody mediated immune response of broiler chickens following a lipopolysaccharide challenge, Maternal antibody decay and antibody-mediated immune responses in chicken pullets fed prebiotics and synbiotics and The immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D in chickens is dose-dependent and influenced by calcium and phosphorus levels.
In this webinar, Dr. Elizabeth Santin and Professor Juan C. Rodriguez-Lecompte will be talking about how to apply the concepts of immunity in animal production.
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