Dr. Jane Cook
Dr. Jane K A Cook earned her BSc in Microbiology and her PhD from the University of Bristol. Dr. Cook, who is a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, UK (FRCPath), has worked for many years at the Institute for Animal Health, Houghton Laboratory (formerly Houghton Poultry Research Station) studying the pathogenesis and epidemiology of infectious bronchitis (IBV), avian adenoviruses (including EDS-76) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV). Then, she served 10 years as Head of Avian Research, Intervet UK, responsible for R&D for avian vaccines, particularly IBV and aMPV.
Dr. Cook is currently involved in the avian disease field as a consultant, giving talks, assessing grant applications and writing chapters, reports, review articles, etc. She acts as a PhD examiner for the Universities of Liverpool & Surrey (UK), Rabat (Morocco) and Utrecht (Netherlands). Dr. Cook is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal, Avian Pathology, a member of the Editorial Board of Veterinární Medicína (Czech Republic) and of the Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. She is a Member of the Houghton Trust and has served as both a trustee and secretary.
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