Talking with Titans – Dealing with Data : Challenges & Opportunities

Talking with titans

With Dr. Kabir Chowdhury and Dr. Albert Tacon

Dealing with Data : Challenges & Opportunities

Dealing with Data : Challenges & Opportunities

Thursday July 16th

Dominique Bureau

Dr. Dominique P. Bureau, a globally known expert in fish and crustacean nutrition, is a Professor at the Department of Animal Biosciences of the University of Guelph, Canada. Dr. Bureau manages the Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory where he leads a dynamic research program focusing on nutrients metabolism and utilization, feedstuff evaluation and feed formulation, managing environmental impacts of aquaculture operations, integration and valorization of published scientific information, and development of mathematical models of digestion, growth and nutrient utilization for aquaculture species. Dr. Bureau, a member of the US NRC Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp (2009-2011), currently leads the International Aquaculture Feed Formulation Database (IAFFD, project.   Also, an entrepreneur, Dr. Bureau is co-founder of Wittaya Aqua International (, a thriving start-up developing a suite of cutting-edge online tools for aquaculture operations, feed manufacturers and ingredient suppliers.

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