One Size Does Not Fit All
What makes Jerseys unique? Here are three key areas of differentiation and tips for helping them through transition…
Accueil » Solutions » Dairy » Jefo Dairy Stressors » Nutritional Stress
Nutritional stress is the result of anything that negatively impacts DMI. This can be physiological, such as how a cow’s body literally reacts to a change in diet. It can be perceptual — the cow simply views a diet change as different and may stop eating. Or behavioral, such as competition for bunk space. Anything that negatively influences intake has a trickle-down effect on rumen health, energy balance, production and health. Learn more about nutritional stress and find solutions to help you minimize it.
What makes Jerseys unique? Here are three key areas of differentiation and tips for helping them through transition…
Read why it’s important to get fresh cows off to a good start, plus review research regarding the duration of stay and how it can influence lactational performance.
Pushing up feed and calculating dry matter intake are so important, yet these basic fundamentals are often neglected when the focus is put more on feed efficiency, labor efficiency or the many other numbers that get crunched.
Keep disease and stress away from the diet.
Successful Farming magazine interviewed Jefo Nutrition’s Chris Gwyn about dairy cow stress and its deadly health challenges.
Changes in corn silage – 3 key areas to minimize nutritional stress.
Gut health is a function of ration composition, and therefore proper ration management can minimize gut health issues and resulting metabolic stress. Dr. Lance Baumgard discusses how stress can lead to leaky gut which in turn influences milk production.
Nutritional stress may occur from an insufficient supply of nutrients. On the flip side, stress can also lead to increased nutritional requirements. We know that whether a cow is stressed during transition or heat stress or at peak lactation, it’s important to support her metabolic needs. Learn more from Vicki Brisson.
How can mixing feed become more efficient and less stressful? Let’s look at a Feed Zone Model Concept to maximize all the traffic movements around the feed center – allowing the team to focus on the cows. David Greene talks about farm synchronization and reducing interference to ensure feeding efficiency.
What can a calf raiser do to enhance performance and minimize stress? Dr. Michael Steele discusses early calf nutrition and how feeding for growth can improve overall lifetime production. Learn more about the windows of developmental programming opportunities and how early life nutrition and calf management practices can impact overall performance.
Research shows that supplementation of folic acid and vitamin B12 helps cows cope with challenges during the transition period. Dr. Melissa Duplessis digs deeper into micronutrients, plus shares other insights about transition cow nutrition and the important role B vitamins and trace minerals play in metabolism.
The amount of B vitamins available to a cow changes with the ingredient composition of the ration as well as rumen fermentation events.