Life. It’s health. It’s reproduction. Calving, farrowing, laying, hatching. It’s milk.
It’s growth. It’s animals feeding the hands that feed them. Jefo is a circle of life.
Life made easier, is nutrition delivered as it should be, through vitamins, minerals, yeasts, and organic acids. It’s better balance, better metabolism.
It’s just a little more comfort.
Life made easier, is a promise of health solutions that are easy to administer. Right in the feed, as it should be. Without fuss or pain or risk to the animals. It’s a promise that with better nutrition, animals are more comfortable, easier to raise. That each stage of life is just a little less complicated, with a lower risk of disease, weight loss and mortality due to stress and malnutrition.
It’s just a little more peace of mind.
Life made easier, is a promise that Jefo is constantly searching for solutions to animal nutrition challenges, offering a full range of products and programs to satisfy the needs of the different life stages of each species.
It’s a lot more confidence and a true partnership.
Life made easier, is a promise of excellent service and expert technical support. It’s a promise that doing business with Jefo is easy, with immediate response and efficient communication.
It’s an entire solutions-oriented team at your service.