Dr. Chengbo Yang
Dr. Yang obtained his Ph.D. in monogastric animal nutriSon at the University of Guelph in 2011. He joined the University of Manitoba in 2016 after several years of working in the industry. He is conducting research in the area of gut health and nutrient utilization relevant to nonruminants. He atracted over $8.4M in research funding NSERC (DG, CRD and Engage), Canada Foundation for InnovaSon (CFI), USDA, Swine Cluster III, and other agencies. In 2018, Dr. Yang won the Canadian Society of Animal Science Young Scientist Award, as well as the 2018 Terry G. Falconer Memorial Rh Instite Foundation Emerging Researcher Awards for Natural Sciences.
En este webinar, la Dra. Elizabeth Santin y el Dr. Peter Chrystal hablarán sobre la importancia de los aminoácidos sintéticos en las dietas monogástricas prácticas.
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